Monday 8 July 2013

Photoshop - dvd case wrap

Dvd case –
  • Used selection tools – I have used selection tools to drag and drop text and images onto my case wrap. I have done this because it was easier to use text in a different document and copy them across to my main document. I also did this because I had to resize my images and text if necessary.
  • Use of layers, change layer opacity OR blend modes – I have used many layers, this includes – text layers, vector smart object, background image and basic images when needed. I changed the layer opacity on my bullet images as it made the bullets look darker and had a good effect on holes at the bottom of the case wrap.
  • Adjustment layer – levels – I had a gradient image from bottom to top of the dvd case wrap which was black and red and I wanted less black in the picture, my dvd case wrap looked like this:

 and I changed it to this:

As you can see the black has been moved down the screen and there is more red which is brighter at the top of the dvd case wrap. I decided to dothis because it made the text easier to read,because the outline of the text was black it was harder to read the text the way the case wrap was.
  • Use Fx – I originally created text in illustrator which read RED2, I made the text clear and the outline black with 4pt. I then imported the text into photoshop and double clicked on the text layer; this gave me layer options and selected bevel and impose option; I clicked on the gloss contour in shading and selected the inverted cone option, this made the outline of the text thicker and darker. I decided to use this option because you could read the text easier now the background is black and red.

  • Final image –

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