Monday 8 July 2013

Premier pro - video clip

  • apply transitions – I applied my transitions by selecting my clips and text and adding them to a new folder called “all together”, I then selected the clips and text in the order I wanted them in by holding down the control button whilst clicking the clips etc. I then clicked the project tab at the top of the screen and then clicked automate to sequence, this showed a pop up with settings asking how long I wanted my transitions and how I wanted them ordered (if I didn’t select them in the order I wanted them in, the order would either be video then text or text then video). I clicked clip overlap and selected seconds and entered 1 so the overlap would be 1 second from video to text etc.

  • trim video – I trimmed my videos by using the “mark in/mark out” buttons, once I clicked these buttons I  knew where my clips were and clicked/drag and dropped my video clip and sound onto the timeline and placed them where they needed to be placed. My video is below:

  • add titles – I added titles in the necessary places such as: at the start with text (They’re back) then a video clip, then text, then video clip this was repeated 5 times. I added titles in the order shown: They’re back, Bruce Willis, Jon Malkovich, Coming soon and RED2. All text had the same font, font size, colour etc.

  •  export video – I exported my file/video clip to my documents, a folder called DiS2 and named it Sequence 01 as a vlc file, the export took around one minute to do and didn’t have any problems.

illustrator - cd label wrap

Dvd label – vector based
  • Pen – I drew a basic pistol and a bullet with the pen tool, I started with the gun and decided to have a bullet floating in the air because I thought it would look good with the genre of the film.

  • Type on a path – I copied the CD guides on my main document and applied them to a new document; I then used the eclipse tool and changed the fill to clear, I then had to draw the circle but to do this I had to hold down the shift and alt keys down whilst drawing the circle. I then had to select the type on a text tool which was hidden in the text option in the tool bar, I clicked in a random area on the side of the cd and typed what I needed to type. See the end result below.

  • Place images e.g. age ratings – I added an age rating image of 18 because most films have them on the CD case and CD itself, I placed mine in the bottom left of the CD because I felt it was the best place for it to go.
  • Brushes – I used the brush tool to show the bullet had been fired and to show how fast the bullet was moving through the air. I also used the brush tool for scratch marks on the gun itself to show it had been used a lot.

  • Clipping mask – I made a clipping mask of a polygon and a circle, one blue the other grey, this was used for a logo to show that the cd is not fake. I struggled to make one to begin with because I didn’t really know how to make one but I looked it up a little and made one.
  • Guides – guides were already in the templates provided by adobe when you open a new document called “CD print items” I selected the CD and copied the guide to a new layer within a new document. I then deleted the template I downloaded because I didn’t need it anymore.
  • Layers with opacity – I changed the opacity of the background image to make the bottom of the CD look darker, this made the top of the CD easier to notice/read i.e. title and actors, this also made the film rating, gun and bullet look darker. 

Photoshop - dvd case wrap

Dvd case –
  • Used selection tools – I have used selection tools to drag and drop text and images onto my case wrap. I have done this because it was easier to use text in a different document and copy them across to my main document. I also did this because I had to resize my images and text if necessary.
  • Use of layers, change layer opacity OR blend modes – I have used many layers, this includes – text layers, vector smart object, background image and basic images when needed. I changed the layer opacity on my bullet images as it made the bullets look darker and had a good effect on holes at the bottom of the case wrap.
  • Adjustment layer – levels – I had a gradient image from bottom to top of the dvd case wrap which was black and red and I wanted less black in the picture, my dvd case wrap looked like this:

 and I changed it to this:

As you can see the black has been moved down the screen and there is more red which is brighter at the top of the dvd case wrap. I decided to dothis because it made the text easier to read,because the outline of the text was black it was harder to read the text the way the case wrap was.
  • Use Fx – I originally created text in illustrator which read RED2, I made the text clear and the outline black with 4pt. I then imported the text into photoshop and double clicked on the text layer; this gave me layer options and selected bevel and impose option; I clicked on the gloss contour in shading and selected the inverted cone option, this made the outline of the text thicker and darker. I decided to use this option because you could read the text easier now the background is black and red.

  • Final image –

Monday 13 May 2013

Pen tool

The pen tool has been used in a separate layer for an underline for the title of the DVD, i wanted something to separate the text from the picture itself. This is the easy object in the illustrator file as the lines will always be straight and you can design anything you want with it.

Brush tool

I used the brush tool to show the outline of the dvd, the inner circle and the line to show where the cd label will show closest to the inner circle. It was tricky to get the lines smooth and round but they're the best i could get them; also this will not affect the dvd label as the lines will be cut out and the label stuck down to the dvd disc.

Transparency tool

I created a new layer and called it Transparency, this is a simple effect where the layer gets lighter, darker or whatever colour you want. I used the transparency tool which made the sea look lighter than it originally did. This made changes to the whole image but not a massive difference.

Text tool

I used the text tool for the title of the dvd case: "Scenic views of the world.". I struggled to find a good place to put the text but ended up putting it in the sky/in the clouds. There is text on the back of the case; this is describing what is on the dvd and who created it etc.

Levels tool

I created a new layer and called it levels, this was an effect where i played with the levels tool and made everything darker with a little matte effect. The biggest effects you can see is the rocks at the bottom/left of the picture and the yellow in the top left corner of the picture.

Gradient tool

I created a new layer in my Photoshop file and called it Gradient, this is a simple effect where the sun is shining bright in the top left corner of the picture. I used a bright yellow and dark grey, clicked the top left corner of the picture and dragged the mouse across 2 inches, this made the bright yellow effect on the screen with no massive changes to my other objects/layers in the picture.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Dodge tool used.

The dodge tool was used on the main background to make the pixels brighter and to make the background look like it was taken in a sunny place.



As you can see this made the picture look a lot brighter, it also made the feel of the picture more welcoming/inviting etc.

Quick selection tool

I used the quick selection tool to remove the background from the picture with the cruise ship.

I made the cruise ship smaller and so it looked realistic and copied it onto the main background picture and placed it on the right hand side of the image.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Digital Imaging Software - Patch tool used

To start of with i had my original image that looked like this:
The patch tool is used for moving objects/picture selected and replacing it with other objects within the image.
I then used the patch tool which allowed me to draw round the object required, i then clicked on the image and dragged it where suited. As you can see, where the boat was has now disapeared and has been replaced with another area on the picture; also there is a darker area where the sky meats the sea and where the shadow of the boat was in the water.
I used this tool because i had never used it before and to get used to new tools before starting major assignments.