Monday 13 May 2013

Pen tool

The pen tool has been used in a separate layer for an underline for the title of the DVD, i wanted something to separate the text from the picture itself. This is the easy object in the illustrator file as the lines will always be straight and you can design anything you want with it.

Brush tool

I used the brush tool to show the outline of the dvd, the inner circle and the line to show where the cd label will show closest to the inner circle. It was tricky to get the lines smooth and round but they're the best i could get them; also this will not affect the dvd label as the lines will be cut out and the label stuck down to the dvd disc.

Transparency tool

I created a new layer and called it Transparency, this is a simple effect where the layer gets lighter, darker or whatever colour you want. I used the transparency tool which made the sea look lighter than it originally did. This made changes to the whole image but not a massive difference.

Text tool

I used the text tool for the title of the dvd case: "Scenic views of the world.". I struggled to find a good place to put the text but ended up putting it in the sky/in the clouds. There is text on the back of the case; this is describing what is on the dvd and who created it etc.

Levels tool

I created a new layer and called it levels, this was an effect where i played with the levels tool and made everything darker with a little matte effect. The biggest effects you can see is the rocks at the bottom/left of the picture and the yellow in the top left corner of the picture.

Gradient tool

I created a new layer in my Photoshop file and called it Gradient, this is a simple effect where the sun is shining bright in the top left corner of the picture. I used a bright yellow and dark grey, clicked the top left corner of the picture and dragged the mouse across 2 inches, this made the bright yellow effect on the screen with no massive changes to my other objects/layers in the picture.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Dodge tool used.

The dodge tool was used on the main background to make the pixels brighter and to make the background look like it was taken in a sunny place.



As you can see this made the picture look a lot brighter, it also made the feel of the picture more welcoming/inviting etc.

Quick selection tool

I used the quick selection tool to remove the background from the picture with the cruise ship.

I made the cruise ship smaller and so it looked realistic and copied it onto the main background picture and placed it on the right hand side of the image.